Tracking can be one of the most rewarding parts of a hunt. There’s nothing quite as thrilling as putting your primal predatory instincts to work in pursuit of a kill. Some seasoned hunters, rather than hunkering down in a deer blind or a tree stand, rely almost exclusively on their tracking skills to reach their quarry. To be a successful tracker, however, requires a great deal of patience, awareness, and hard-earned experience. Of course, having a push in the right direction never hurt either. With that in mind, we thought we’d share a few tracking tips with our readers.
Mind Your Timing
Some hunters prefer to wait till after the rut ends to start tracking whitetails. In the weeks immediately following the rut, bucks will be less inclined to roam far from their beds in pursuit of a mate. Likewise, it can be easier to track and predict their movements. Pay close attention to the behavior of tracks at different times in the season. Are they meandering around in search of a doe, or are they heading straight for home? This will inform your tracking technique in the future.
Measure Your Tracks
Sometimes it can be hard to pick a specific set of tracks out of a group. When you identify your target, break a stick so that its length is equal to the width of your target’s track. This way, you’ll be able to differentiate the tracks you’re after from others in the area.
Employ a Call
You’ve spent all day tracking a buck to its bed. You’re about to creep over a ridge and take the shot. Wait.
Why risk startling your prey when you could draw it out to you? Find an opening that offers good visibility and make a few doe bleats on a call. More often than not, the buck’s curiosity will get the best of it and it will venture out of its bed, providing you with a clear shot and a satisfied end to a day in the field.
The best way to improve your tracking skills is by putting them to work. Give us a call today to book your next hunt!
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